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Blog Post

Sweet Relief Blogs


  • By 7016712949
  • 26 Oct, 2017

                         By Jasmine Sleutel

I ask myself this every day. Why am I here? What do I plan on doing with myself? How do I make a difference for as many people as possible before I die? Most people always say “well you work in the cannabis industry! You’re changing lives every time you work!” But it goes deeper than that. There is much more to this than just selling cannabis, weed, ganja, smoke whatever you want to call it.

Most when they think of purpose they imagine an end game “goal”. This industry does not have an end game. Unfortunately there will always be more we must fight for. More rights and more freedom, and most of all-more purpose for those seeking it. But for me, I don’t ever want my purpose (end game goal) to be finished. The fight for better health and natural alternatives is something I crave. I want to feel wanted, I want to feel important, and I will always want others to know we will be their answer.

Our purpose as humans for many can be to just simply survive in today’s society. Get through your 9-5 job and make a paycheck, pay your bills, put food on the table. Purpose is a cognitive process that defines life goals and provides personal meaning. To me this industry has that personal meaning, and I don’t ever want to stop. I guess you can say an authentic purpose is what I want for my end game. Brings a deep sense of self-worth, and will provide a significant contribution to the common good. It involves more than just understanding something- it requires doing.  

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